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The Full Nelson - NYC’s New Waterfront

12/8/2011 9:04:49 AM/ Massey Knakal/ News

Although NYC’s waterfront properties might not look out onto crystal blue waters, we’ve come a long way. Bloomberg’s administration has developed major initiatives to upgrade our coastline.

The administration’s Waterfront Action Agenda aims to expand and restore NYC’s existing waterfront parks with an investment of over $200 million. The initiative includes 130 “high-priority” projects committed to transforming NYC’s waterfront infrastructure into the world’s premier port and natural resource with acres of desirable public park space.  

These projects span the five boroughs and include 17% of the state’s total coastline.Brooklyn Bridge Park and the Columbia Waterfront District are recent waterfront redevelopment projects that have greatly enlivened the boroughs and expanded public access...

Visit The Full Nelson at NYInc for the rest of the article.

Neighborhoods: Columbia Street Waterfront District/ Agents: Stephen Palmese